New cultural dynamics: tension and vitality in the cities
This paper intends to bring elements for the reflection on contemporary cultural dynamics, addressing some changes that are underway and the challenges that cultural agents have to deal with within the cities scope and their repercussions on a new institutionality of culture. Therefore, we will give a brief history of recent cultural policies in Brazil, in order to facilitate understanding of the current conjuncture and provide a broader view of the contemporary cultural field and its different agents, understanding it also as a result of a regime of values and discourses with strong ties to the social and political cultural context of Brazil in the last decades. It instigates the identification of new cultural dynamics and emerging creative movements in the cities, the issues that are configured today and the challenges they impose on cultural managers and other actors in the field; as well as the investigation of how these new flows interrelate and affect a new cultural institutionality.
Keywords: Cultural production, cultural management, culture and city, institutionality of culture, cultural dynamicsDownloads
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