Deterritorialization, international-popular culture, and identity on cinema: The case of the Chilean western ‘Sal’


  • Pablo Matus



This paper propose a dialogue with the tradition of cultural studies applied to the production of symbolic goods, particularly about the forms of representation of Latin American identity on media objects of globalized distribution. In this case the Chilean film "Sal" (2012) will be taken as a piece of analysis, which is declared as belonging to the western genre and has an argument according to the recognizable canon,but was directed by an Argentine (Diego Rougier), starring a Spanish (Fele Martínez) and Chileans (Patricio Contreras and Javiera Contador, among others),and has locations in Spain and Chile. For the analysis, concepts of the Brazilian sociologist Renato Ortiz regarding globalization are used, as well as what he calls deterritorialization and international-popular culture.


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How to Cite

Matus, P. (2018). Deterritorialization, international-popular culture, and identity on cinema: The case of the Chilean western ‘Sal’. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (15), 9-23.



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