GLAM and Network Memory Institutions: an ‘Infosphere’ by Floridi?
Information Science participates in the promotion of the term ‘Memory
Institution’ as a metaphor for the integration of libraries, archives,
museums and documentation centers. One of the intentions was to
encourage a coherent view on the information resources that the
collections of such institutions come from. At the same time, the GLAM
acronym for the English language, which integrates Galleries, Libraries,
Archives and Museums, emphasizes the promotion of access as the
main mission. It is fair to say that the demand for the interoperability
of the collections of the different archival domains is based on the
possibility of integrating diverse contents via the web, a scenario that
provides innovation in the access and processing of information on
cultural heritage by society. From a focus on the critical reconstruction
of Richard Fyffe on the role of the CI specialist from the perspective of
the Floridi Infosphere, we sought to identify as new concepts for the
field of Information Science, derived from FI and Information Ethics (EI)
by Floridi, can assist in the understanding of radical transformations
underway in the field of digitized collections of memory institutions, and
their relation to broader ethical issues in the sphere of the Infosphere.
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