Theoretical and methodological foundations of informational processing of physical-chemical analysis documents applied to objects of cultural heritage
information organization, information representation, scientific images, digital curation, metadataAbstract
Study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of informational
treatment of documentation that is the product of physico-chemical
analysis applied to objects of cultural heritage. These techniques
generate images and graphs resulting from the interaction of
electromagnetic radiation with the matter of objects and allow to identify
materials, techniques, processes, origin, interventions performed,
authenticity of works, etc. It was sought to highlight the characteristics
and attributes to describe the documentation studied, to relate it to
the objects analyzed, to organize, to represent and to store them in
an information system. Initially, a bibliographic review was carried out
to: (a) understand and define the documentary genre and the type of
documentation produced by the arqueométricas techniques; (b) to study
an information retrieval system, whose central aspects are the metadata
structure and the terminology to be used; (c) to identify methods for
managing, maintaining, preserving and retrieving research data on the
application of physicochemical methods. At the end of the research it is
expected to systematize the construction parameters to create a digital
repository to store, organize and make available this documentation,
in order to contribute to increase the visibility of the collections of USP
museums and to promote better access to research on cultural heritage.
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