Communication, Cyberculture and Cinema: Baudrillard and Matrix: "the limit point between two worlds"
Communication, Cyberculture, Cinema, Baudrillard, MatrixAbstract
Nowadays, we live in the so-called Network Society (Castells, 2003), a reality in which presence is no longer limited to physical places and begins to happen especially in virtual places. The online environment has come to emerge what is known as Cyberculture, a characteristic phenomenon of cyberspace and in which the pre-existing culture extends and renews itself and recreates itself. In this paper, we seek to explore the question of identity and the doubts that hang in the head of the human being about what is considered real or not, making use of the film The Matrix (1999), of the Wachowski brothers, where we will retrieve excerpts from the film and with which it can be connected with Simulacra and Simulation (1981).
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