Representations of violence in literature: notes towards a possible presentation
Violence, literature, societyAbstract
Violence has been presented as a recurring theme in research by literary scholars, as works of imagination have always shown themselves to be a privileged locus for the study of different themes related to humans and their societies. As a result, the dossier “Representations of violence in literature” gathers and disseminates academic research on different modalities of violence reflected in literary works of different times and nationalities, from different theoretical and methodological approaches. Therefore, works as Édipo Rei and Antígona, by Sophocles, dialogue with the Brazilian novel Vidas secas, by Graciliano Ramos, and Infância dos mortos, by José Louzeiro, among many others. Others writers from different areas like Walter Benjamin (2011), Jacques Derrida (1997), Michel Foucault (1987, 2013), Freud (2010) and Friedrich Nietzsche (1998) serve as an anchor for the studies here published.Downloads
BENJAMIN, Walter. Para uma crítica da violência. In: ___. Escritos sobre mito e linguagem. Trad. Susana Kampff Lages; Ernani Chaves. São Paulo: Duas Cidades; Editora 34, 2011, p. 121-156.
DERRIDA, Jacques. Fuerza de ley: el “fundamento místico de la autoridade”. Trad. Adolfo Barberá; Patricio Peñalver Gómez. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos, 1997.
FOUCAULT, Michel. O corpo utópico; As heterotopias. Trad. Salma Tannus Muchail. São Paulo: n-1 Edições, 2013.
FOUCAULT, Michel. Vigiar e Punir: o nascimento da prisão. [Tradução de Raquel Ramalhete]. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1987.
FREUD, Sigmund. O mal-estar na cultura. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 2010.
KURY, Mário da Gama. Introdução. In: SÓFOCLES. A trilogia tebana: Édipo Rei, Édipo em Colono, Antígona. Trad. Maria da Gama Kury. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1990, p. 7-16.
NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. Genealogia da moral: uma polêmica. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1998.
SÓFOCLES. A trilogia tebana: Édipo Rei, Édipo em Colono, Antígona. Trad. Maria da Gama Kury. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1990.
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