'I am no man': the female presence in the nerd and geek universe


  • Stephany Lins Pereira Universidade de Lisboa
  • Luiza Carvalho Universidade Federal Fluminense




nerd culture, female representation, identity


The nerd and geek culture has been growing constantly each year through movie productions, comic books and in stores, crawling the way out from being a niche culture to mainstream. And with its increasing popularity, so does the demand for representation not only in characters inside the productions but also within its own groups, fandoms and as consumers. This article is part of a series of researches carried out by the authors and seek to present an analysis of the toxic environment created by male behaviour towards the female presence in nerd collectives. Thus, we will seek to make a brief definition of what is considered nerd and geek nowadays, understand its divisions as a social group and analyze especially the female presence in the context of this universe: how it is perceived and received and what are the difficulties faced by nerd women. The title is a reference to a line said in the movie The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003).


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How to Cite

DE CASTRO, F. L., Pereira, S. L., & Carvalho, L. (2022). ’I am no man’: the female presence in the nerd and geek universe. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, 12(22), 425-442. https://doi.org/10.22409/pragmatizes.v12i22.51057



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