Street movie theaters of Santa Catarina (Brazil)
a research and its scales
Street Movie Theaters, Cinematographic ExhibitionAbstract
This research proposal has the aim to narrate the paths of an investigation of practices of teaching and extension in the university, and the life experiences beside the formers street cinemas of Santa Catarina (Brazil). This compose of a story which is also an invitation to the readers to a tour between imaginary streets or memories, which ones we found in those architectures full of stories and permeated by contradictory relations among the presence and absence, leisure, and politics. Aims to mobilize the readers gaze to the multiples possibilities of approach the problem of appearance and disappearance of the movie theaters from the urban centralities, as well the complexity imbued in the desire to understand the whole issue and the insertion of the movie theaters in a specific context of temporal space. Starting from the theoretical field of Geography, and establishing contact with cinema histories, street cinemas are analyzed through scales, which, in fact, are interspersed in a dialectical movement between the universal and the particular, the world and the place: international, national, regional, urban and personal. Mapping these multidimensional and dynamic spatial relationships is a great challenge, alongside proved to be a practice of great heuristic potential. Several sources and methods are being mobilized along this path, which involve mostly research in public and personal archives, theoretical reviews, interviews, and field observations.
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- 2022-09-02 (2)
- 2022-09-01 (1)
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