"I don’t want to be a mother, I’m not ready"
legal delivery to adoption and the (re)production of the madresposa’s captivity in journalistic narratives
Adoption, Legal delivery, Motherhood, Madresposa’s captivity, Pragmatic analysis of journalistic narrativeAbstract
This paper proposes to investigate how the media (re)production of the “captivity of the madresposa” takes place in journalistic articles that approach the voluntary delivery of a baby to legal adoption. The notion of captivity of the madresposa (“mother-wife”) was proposed by the Mexican anthropologist Marcela Lagarde y de los Ríos as a representation of the oppressions and imprisonments socially constructed and imposed on women to reproduce their servile role as mother and wife (LAGARDE, 2005). For this research, four articles published online in periodicals and news sites from different regions of Brazil were selected. Methodologically, the texts were examined in the light of the pragmatic analysis of journalistic narrative (MOTTA, 2005). In spite of having observed some advances, the results of this study suggest that, in most aspects, the journalistic discourse contributes to the strengthening of the madresposa’s captivity regarding the social judgment impelled to the woman who chooses to give her child up for adoption. Finally, we sought to contribute to the discussion on the self-determination of the woman’s body, making it necessary to reflect on mass media and its ability to strengthen/weaken the patriarchal position regarding the imposition of motherhood on women based on the rhetoric of the “myth of maternal love”.
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