Representations of violence against women in the serial narrative Coisa mais linda (2019)
serial narrative, gender violence, female charactersAbstract
This article aims to analyze the representation of violence against women and femicide in the first season of the Brazilian Netflix series – Coisa Mais Linda, released in 2019. The title of the audiovisual production is a tribute to the song “Garota de Ipanema'', by Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes, from 1962, which has, in the first verse of the lyrics, the expression “coisa mais linda”. The serial narrative, set in the late 1950s, portrays the story of Maria Luiza Carone – Malu, Lígia Soares, Adélia Araújo and Theresa Soares, who live in fiction a sequence of situations that show the condition of women in a society ruled by patriarchal system. The analyzes were drawn up from bibliographic studies, considering the historical context, the relationships between cinema, feminist criticism, gender studies and the multiple forms of violence from authors such as Eco (1989), Buonnano (2019), Curi (2021), Lerner (2019), Butler (2003), Bourdieu (2002), Saffioti (1987). We found that the violence suffered by female characters in fiction can be found in the various cases of gender violence in contemporary society, representing racist, sexist and misogynistic discourses against women.
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