Discursive regularities of feminicide cases in the Diário do Sertão
Media, Femicide, Diário do Sertão, Paraiba Society, Feminist MovementAbstract
This article seeks to understand the journalistic coverage of femicide cases in Sertão Paraibano, based on the discourse used by the Diário do Sertão, one of the most important news website of the region, in relation to extreme crimes of gender. All seven cases of femicides that occurred in Sertão da Paraíba in 2020 were analyzed and the discursive-ideological positions present in the articles were analyzed. What is observed is the depoliticization of crime, as murders are not always portrayed as femicides, as well as the decontextualization of the scenario of violence against women. Police authorities are the main and, in most cases, the only source heard. In addition, important information on prevention and emergence phone lines is silenced.
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