
  • Daniela Nogueira Colégio Pedro II
  • Kátia Silva Colégio Pedro II



Social Cognitive Theory, Socio-emotional Skills., Emotional Self-Regulation., Teenagers.


The theoretical essay presents correlations between socio-emotional skills and emotional self-regulation. It is proposed that emotional self-regulation comprises a path that facilitates emotional issues with adolescents. The essay has six parts: the first characterizes adolescence and mental health. The second talks about the term ‘socio-emotional’ in educational legislation. The third deals with the concept of socio-emotional skills and the challenge for effective implementation. The fourth presents an overview of Social Cognitive Theory, self-regulation, emotional self-regulation, academic anxiety and test anxiety. The fifth presents correlations between socio-emotional skills and emotional self-regulation and possibilities at school. The sixth deals with final considerations.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Nogueira, Colégio Pedro II

Mestre em Educação Básica pelo curso Mestrado Profissional em Práticas de Educação Básica , Colégio Pedro II. Orientadora: Dra. Kátia Regina Xavier da Silva (2022).

Autora do livro: "Eu sinto, tu, sentes, nós conhecemos? Diálogos sobre autorregulação emocional na Educação Física Escolar".

Docente do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico do Colégio Pedro II , Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Especializada em Educação Física Escolar pela Universidade Gama Filho.

Graduada em Licenciatura Plena na área de Educação Física pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ - 2002). 

Kátia Silva, Colégio Pedro II

Post-doctorate in Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), with an emphasis on the themes of Medical Education and Health Education in the school environment. She has a PhD in Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a master's degree in Education from UERJ. She is a Pedagogue and has a degree in Physical Education from UFRJ. She is a Full Professor of Basic, Technical and Technological Education (EBTT) at Colégio Pedro II (CPII), working in Postgraduate studies, in the Professional Master's course in Basic Education Practices (MPPEB-CPII) and in the Residency specialization course Teacher (PRD-CPII). She is a researcher in the Teaching Practice and Continuing Training Research Line at MPPEB-CPII. She is the founder and leader of the Research and Teaching, Learning, Interdisciplinary and Innovation in Education Group (GEPEAIINEDU), linked to the Pro-Rectory of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Extension and Culture at CPII.



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How to Cite

Maria dos Santos Nogueira, D., & Regina Xaxier da Silva, K. . (2024). ADOLESCENTS, SOCIO-EMOTIONAL SKILLS AND THE PATH TO EMOTIONAL SELF-REGULATION: AN INTRODUCTION. RevistAleph, 2(42).



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