
  • Bárbara Cristina Felismino dos Santos




Escola Pública, Racismo Religioso


The following text proposes about issues arising within the public school, whose practices follow guidelines and guidelines organized from their own legislation. When entering the public education service, every educator needs to submit his work to these guidelines and rules, either in the classroom, within the reference groups, that is, in any and all environments of the school space. The data analyzed in this text have a subjective character and come from observation and everyday experience over more than 10 years as an education professional on the public school floor. The reflections proposed here refer to the confrontation that anti-racist practices raise in the school space. In the light of the curricular references of the Municipal Public Network of Education of Niterói 2022, of the Statute of Municipal Public Employees of Niterói - 1985, of the texts of educators such as Paulo Freire, such as Ivanir dos Santos, such as Bárbara Carine, as Kabengele Munanga, among other authors and texts that guide our reflection on the need for anti-racist practices within the public school. We also address in this text the necessary and important continuing education of every public school educator.


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How to Cite

Cristina Felismino dos Santos, B. . (2024). O NECESSÁRIO ENFRENTAMENTO ANTIRRACISTA E O PAPEL DO EDUCADOR DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA. RevistAleph, 1(41). https://doi.org/10.22409/revistaleph.v1i1.62017