NEOLIBERAL OPPORTUNISM OF 2020 PANDEMIC: the new morphology of education and the overexploitation of teacher’s labor
Covid-19. Remote teaching. Work. Neo-teaching. Necrocapitalism.Abstract
The history of the second decade of the 21st century, marked by the contamination of the world population by Covid-19, has registered a global humanitarian and economic crisis and has explained the unsustainability of capitalism. This text aims to discuss the precariousness of public health policies and the trivialization of distance education during the pandemic. In Brazilian public education, the opportunism of Jair Bolsonaro genocidal State, and his state executives, has intensified the teaching labor by improvising remote work in the students teaching process during the containment of the virus in the country by social isolation. The theoretical-methodological construction of the thematic is based on historical and dialectical materialism and highlights the centrality of labor as an axis to understand the society. The marxian and marxist categories contextualize the contradictions of capital in pandemic territorialization. The expressions distance education, remote, digital, online, Information and Communication Technologies’ (ICTs) and congener were approximated as a resource to the limitation of the education improvised modality discussed in this text. In synthesis, in the analysis of this global crisis, some assumptions are highlighted, which warn about the unsustainability of the Nano State necromodel, show that the advance of the distance neo-learning represents the subsumption of teachers and families in the precarious process of teaching and learning, what reverberates in the configuration of a new morphology of Brazilian education. Finally, Covid-19 engenders, in collusion with the uncertainties of the world crisis consequences, the advance of a new labor sociability in education and accumulation based on overexploitation of teaching labor.
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