Legalization of associations supporting individuals with ASD
the transformative tole of the “UniFOA Collective Guardianship Project”
Non-profit associations, Collective guardianship, ASD, Social inclusion, Legal and accounting supportAbstract
The Collective Guardianship Project of the University Center of Volta Redonda (UniFOA) aims at the legalization of non-profit entities, initially focusing on African matrix religious communities and expanding to other philanthropic associations, including those dedicated to supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families. The interdisciplinary methodology of the project integrates the knowledge of Law, Administration, and Accounting courses to provide legal and accounting support to the benefiting entities. Through workshops, training sessions, and personalized guidance, the project promotes the legalization of entities and strengthens the Third Sector. Additionally, the project seeks to raise awareness and combat stigma associated with ASD through sensitization campaigns and cultural events. The social impact of the project for individuals with ASD includes access to justice, services, and necessary support for a dignified and inclusive life, as well as the creation of networks of support and solidarity.
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