A University extension, group gymnastics, and health promotion
interfaces between remote and in-person training
University Extension, Gymnastics, Physical Education, Health, TechnologyAbstract
Aiming to promote health and quality of life through physical exercise, the extension project Fitness Pró – Gymnastics Modalities from the School of Physical Education at the Federal University of Ouro Preto offers free classes conducted by Physical Education students. With the suspension of in-person activities in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the project was adapted to a remote format, maintaining its activities through social media. In 2024, the project adopts a hybrid model, offering both in-person and online training sessions. This paper compares the differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages perceived by students in both remote and in-person formats. A qualitative-quantitative research approach was used, submitting a structured questionnaire to 11 students who taught in both formats. The role of university extension is emphasized as a learning space and a first practical experience for undergraduate students. Results indicate that, despite the particularities and challenges of each format, both in-person and remote formats are effective in promoting health through physical exercise. The in-person format stands out for social interaction and human contact, while the remote format offers greater flexibility of schedule and geographic reach. The extension action significantly contributes to the training of students in the field of group gymnastics and to the promotion of health for the participants in both remote and in-person formats.
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