‘I listened to the confidences of shadow”: the elegy in the poetry of Jorge Gomes Miranda


  • Julio Cesar Rodrigues Cattapan Universidade Federal Fluminense




Jorge Gomes Miranda, elegy, contemporary Portuguese poetry.


Analysis of the elegy in the poetry of the contemporary Portuguese poet Jorge Gomes Miranda, with emphasis on the dialogues that this poetry sets with the various moments of the history of elegy, from its origins in Ancient Greece to the contemporaneity. The elegy is understood not only as a discourse lamenting a loss, but as an active discourse motivated by an ideal of man and society. --- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22409/cadletrasuff.2017n55a490


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Author Biography

Julio Cesar Rodrigues Cattapan, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Mestre em Literatura Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal Fluminense e Doutorando em Literatura Comparada na mesma instituição.


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How to Cite

CATTAPAN, J. C. R. ‘I listened to the confidences of shadow”: the elegy in the poetry of Jorge Gomes Miranda. Caderno de Letras da UFF, v. 27, n. 55, p. 237-256, 13 Dec. 2017.