Direitos linguísticos e a promoção da diversidade linguística no Brasil


  • Maria Clara Castellain Mayworm Universidade Federal Fluminense




The present work seeks to trace a historical panorama of Linguistic Right in international legislation and in the internal order, as well as an overview of the development of Linguistic Right as a discipline and field of study (ABREU, 2018, 2020). We will present a conceptual review, considering the theoretical frameworks, the subjects and principles of Linguistic Rights with focus on two points that have been gaining strength in the last years in relation to the protection of communities in situations of vulnerability: the co-officialization of languages at the municipal level and the consideration of languages as intangible heritage of the State (CASTELANO RODRIGUES, 2018). Our study starts from an interpretative-qualitative research of documentary nature, which deals with a current theme and with constant changes and updates, for this reason, we combine a bibliographic research with a review of pertinent legislation, in addition to data extracted from governmental institutions. Our aim is to demonstrate how the strengthening of the Linguistic Rights discipline in Brazil can be an important tool to accommodate demands presented by civil society in favor of a linguistically more plural and democratic space.

Keywords: Linguistic Rights. Linguistic Diversity. Minorized languages.


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How to Cite

CASTELLAIN MAYWORM, M. C. Direitos linguísticos e a promoção da diversidade linguística no Brasil. Caderno de Letras da UFF, v. 32, n. 62, p. 80-100, 30 Jul. 2021.