Tracing pathways of innovation and solidarity: the life and work of Jan Blommaert


  • Joel Windle Instituto de Letras, UFF
  • Daniel N. Silva



We present the contributions and trajectory of Jan Blommaert (1961-2021), a Belgian sociolinguist who worked at the intersections of language studies, anthropology and sociology. His main theoretical contribution was in the development of the field of the sociolinguistics of globalization (BLOMMAERT, 2010), but he also stood out for the breadth of his scientific production and for the dialogue he maintained with researchers around the world. Using an ethnographic lens, Blommaert contributed to refining concepts such as linguistic ideology, superdiversity, indexicality, entextualization, scale and chronotope, among others. His empirical research included language policies in Tanzania, the reception of immigrants in Europe, new forms of online interaction and emerging forms of political authoritarianism. Brazilian language studies have been strongly affected by Blommaert's work - and his project of studying emerging forms of interaction, discourse and language will certainly continue to bear fruit. His legacy, visible not only in prolific academic production but also in intentionally egalitarian social relations, will make a lasting impact.



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Author Biography

Joel Windle, Instituto de Letras, UFF

Professor do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Linguagem da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Coordena o Núcleo de Estudos Críticos em Linguagens, Educação e Sociedade (NECLES). Possui graduação em Letras (inglês e francês, BA (Hons) pela Universidade de Melbourne (2001); Graduate Diploma of Education (2002) pela Universidade de Melbourne e Doutorado em Educação em cotutela pelas Universidades de Melbourne e Bourgogne (2008).



How to Cite

WINDLE, J.; N. SILVA, D. . Tracing pathways of innovation and solidarity: the life and work of Jan Blommaert. Caderno de Letras da UFF, v. 32, n. 62, p. 271-281, 30 Jul. 2021.