O Supremo Tribunal Federal e a diversidade social: Estudo do caso Raposa Serra do Sol


  • Bernardo Soares mestrando do PPGD/UFRJ
  • Cláudia Paiva mestranda do PPGD/UFRJ
  • Caroline Santos Pesquisadora
  • Fernando Gama de Miranda Netto UFF
  • Flávia Martins de Carvalho Mestranda do PPGD/UFRJ),
  • Gabriel d´Anniballe Mestrando do PPGD da Puc-Rio
  • Humberto Laport Pesquisador
  • José Ribas Vieira UFRJ
  • Margarida Lacombe Camargo UFRJ
  • Monica Re Procuradora Regional da República
  • Rodrigo Correa Pesquisador
  • Rodrigo Tavares UFRRJ e doutorando do PPGD/Puc-Rio




Supreme Court, Social Diversity, Constitution


The study aims to analyze the trial of the demarcation of the Raposa Serra do Sol
in the Brazilian Supreme Court. For that, it was established the comprehension of the
problem in two parts. One was directed at a theoretical division in which were fastened the analytical and methodological contents variables of the democratic process in Brazil, the perspective of the representative argumentation to legitimize the decisions of the Supreme Court and the conception of institutional model. The other segment of the study highlighted the factual case of the lawsuit that did not accept the demarcation of the Indigene Land Raposa Serra do Sol. Beyond the application of theoretical and methodological variables mentioned, there was the concern in to examine the case from the perspective of the objective character that has been given to the trials of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court. These instruments that were adopted allowed the punctuation of the institutional practice of the Court to materialize the so-called Statute of Indigenous Lands Demarcation with the decision under examination.


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How to Cite

Soares, B., Paiva, C., Santos, C., Gama de Miranda Netto, F., Martins de Carvalho, F., d´Anniballe, G., Laport, H., Ribas Vieira, J., Lacombe Camargo, M., Re, M., Correa, R., & Tavares, R. (2012). O Supremo Tribunal Federal e a diversidade social: Estudo do caso Raposa Serra do Sol. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 12(2), 1-31. https://doi.org/10.22409/conflu12i2.p115