
  • Jorge Luís Rocha da Silveira Professor Adjunto IBMEC / RJ




Fusion, Judiciary, Memory.


The process "birth" of the judiciary was more complex, as the courts of Justice of the ancient states of Rio and Guanabara were not fused, as occurred with the departments and offices, houses etc. laws., But dismantled and replaced by a new Court. The respective boards of magistrates and officials were restructured into a "coup de force" typical of authoritarian regimes and discretionary government. The call Military Dictatorship (1964/89) simply jettisoned their constitutional rights and prerogatives functional. The same can be said of socalled "clerks of Justice", whose career plans, compensation, professional realities etc., Were different and specific. The judicial and administrative services were changed without major planning. The Fusion challenged judges and officials, as members of a bureaucratic structure, dealing with the exercise of political domination and became evident the limits of its equidistance towards power. More than that, the dispute between the state apparatus not subtracted the internal struggle waged by groups that were brought together and left an indelible mark on the collective memory - in history - the institution. Knowing these scars is the process of recovering hegemony of a certain group in the constitution of this state power. So interested, particularly as a case study, the memory of the judiciary Fusion Fluminense.
This observation demonstrated that it served to strengthen and support the sense of belonging, to define what is peculiar to this group now. A reminder that the Fusion called the split. Interviews with members of the Judiciary revealed that the construction of memories about the merger, occurred an entire work environment and maintaining the memory of certain events, moments and figures, rather than was experienced by the group itself. An exercise to maintain their unity and continuity over time. The Court's new rule, with their professional and personal connections - in other words: class - establishing the boundaries of "belonging" among its members, narrowed the memory of the merger to be remembered. The very esprit de corps instructed to remember. The existence of well-defined limits, set in the control of administrative functions, instances of disciplinary, ethical behavior etc., From which it became possible to form a specific set of social relations, dictated to remember or forget - at least in public ... Particular forms of memory on the Merger were - and remain - prepared in certain sectors of social life in groups and institutions, by claiming to weave the story of a single network, universal. This process has unfolded, often through mechanisms that are confused with their own power struggle, hegemony within and between devices that make up the State. The work presented in this opportunity summarizes part of the study on the functioning of the Judiciary born from the merger of the states of Guanabara and Rio de Janeiro in 1975.


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How to Cite

Rocha da Silveira, J. L. (2012). FUSÃO, MAGISTRATURA & MEMÓRIA. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 13(1), 33-55. https://doi.org/10.22409/conflu13i1.p162