Direitos humanos, racionalidade, Bartolomé de Las Casas, Mary Wollstonencraft, Frantz Fannon, Human rights, rationality, derechos humanos, racionalidad.Abstract
The article intends to rescue the narrative of invisible authors in the hegemonic theory of human rights and to analyze the possibilities of a decolonial interpretation of human rights. To do so, we return to the studies of Bartolomé de Las Casas, author that triggers the perspective of the colonized to question the legitimacy of the "just war" against the Indians; Mary Wollstonencraft, author who opposes the idea of a "human nature" whose function was to keep women under masculine control and regulation; And Frantz Fanon, who identifies rationality as a logic of justification for the violation of black people. The works denounce the use of a specific concept of rationality to define and restrict the concept of human, which, consequently, limits rights and justifies the domination of historically excluded subjects and groups. In doing so, they challenge the philosophical-anthropological assumption of the hegemonic theory of human rights, liberating it for possibilities of understanding and justifying these rights for subjects and groups in plural and diverse situations that often determine their status of disfranchised people.
Keywords: Human rights; rationality; Bartolomé de Las Casas; Mary Wollstonencraft; Frantz Fannon.
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