Trabalho, Ambulantes, Regulamentação, Lei, Alienação./Keywords, Job, Ambulants, Regulation, Law, Alienation./Palabras clave, Trabajo, Regulación, Ley, Alienación.Abstract
The main objective of this article is to analyze the context and the ideological subjection in the process of editing laws that regulate street commerce in the cities of Barra do Bugres, Denise and Nova Olímpia. For this purpose, the resources of the field research were used through interviews with legislative authorities, street vendors and traders from the locations where the research was carried out, as well as the analysis of the provisions of the laws. The rationale was based on discussions about the concepts of informality and the right to work in capitalist societies, as well as the concept of ideology from the perspective of dialectical materialism. It was possible to verify that the majority of the interviewees considered the question of street commerce based on the legality discourse, however this legality is directly linked to the issues of labor and the circulation of goods in the capitalist universe, being considered another form of control. Social relations and possible taxation so that they can get out of “marginality” and thus be authorized to enter the regulated universe. We will notice, in the case of the elaboration and effectiveness of these laws that, the dominant ideology affects the subjects in the sense of naturalizing, universalizing, rationalizing their way of interpreting and signifying the world.
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