
  • Daniela Regina Pellin UNISINOS/BR/RS
  • Wilson Engelmann UNISINOS/BR/RS




Direito Constitucional, Economia Política, Tecnologias Emergentes


In this global hipecomplexity scenario, developing countries are called upon to contribute a portion of the reduction of these complexities in order to the sustainable development described in Agenda 2030 to be fulfilled. Around Brazil, there is the expectation that this contribution will be significant in view of the fortunate territory it occupies. However, such targets are far from being achieved by the country in face of its poorly developed system and this is a problem for the research. The general objective is to demonstrate that these are two flawed sides of the same coin: the internal, because of little systemic understanding of global communication that includes the role of institutions and new technologies; owing to the low contribution and lack of management of this global systemic communication that goes beyond resources provided in developing countries. As specific objectives, the research intends to demonstrate that this scenario is due to the low national production complexity characterized by trade in goods and services by 80% of the brazilian companies, distributed among small and medium enterprises, which, in turn, are not involved in planning and technological development, with special attention to disruptive nanotechnologies; as a consequence do not contribute to the sustainable development set out in agenda 2030. The initial hypothesis assumes two aspects: for the internal system, the contribution of sectoral institutions in the diffusion of communication involving technological innovation and sustainable development; and, for the global system: direct engagement in the management of resources and in the construction of this systemic communication. The metodology of the research is deductive and adopts the systemic-constructivist perspective as a procedure to arrive at the solution. The research techniques go through the collection of data and documents submitted to the analysis through the bibliographic review.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Regina Pellin, UNISINOS/BR/RS

Doutoranda em Direito Público na UNISINOS/BR/RS e Visiting Scholars na Universidade de Pádova/Itália (2018/02). Bolsista CAPES/PROEX e COIMBRA GROUP. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa JUSNANO/CNPq. Professora de Direito na ESUCRI/SC. Pesquisadora em Direito, Sociedade e Nanotecnologias. Advogada.

Wilson Engelmann, UNISINOS/BR/RS

Prof. PhD. Wilson Engelmann, Coordenador Executivo do Mestrado Profissional em Direito da Empresa e dos Negócios da UNISINOS; Professor e Pesquisador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito - Mestrado e Doutorado - da UNISINOS; Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq/BR; Pesquisador visitante da Faculdade de Dereito, da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Espanha. Email: WEngelmann@unisinos.br


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2019-08-06 — Updated on 2021-04-01
