Ativismo Judicial, Controle de Constitucionalidade, Foro por Prerrogativa de Função./ Keywords, Judicial Activism, Constitutionality Control, Forum by Functional Prerogative./ Palabras clave, Activismo judicial, Control de constitucionalidad, Foro por...Abstract
Abstract: The present study, structured through the inductive and reconstructive method, analyzed a new interpretation signed by the Federal Supreme Court in the Question of Order of Penal Action n. 937. Initially, the procedural context of the court was described. Following this, a brief incursion was made for the role of introduction to the function in Brazil. In a second, address the arguments used by the Supreme Court to restrict the forum by function pressures of legislative, leaving open the question of the forum by prerogative of function of the Judiciary, which would later be rejected by STJ’s decision.
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