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  • Luiz Felipe Brandão Osorio UFRRJ
  • Vanessa Berner UFRJ



Migração, Capitalismo, Sistema de Estados, Lei de Migrações, Relações Internacionais./Keywords, Migration, Capitalism, System of States, Migration Law, International Relations./Palabras clave, Migración, Sistema estatal, Derecho de...


Abstract: Beyond the great banquets, international relations face in the XXI century the tragedy of the deaths and the misery of the migrations. Despite important normative constructions on migrants in general, many still pay with their lives attempting to find a better living. In this essentially international context, it is fundamental to understand the role of law among the world that imposes a life of deprivation and denial to the least economically favored. This is the horizon of the capitalist mode of production. It is in this field that the migratory movements are constituted, while law tries to follow its flow, at the same time imposing barriers and trying to mitigate the losses. Thus, with a focus on the critique and the interface of law and international relations, the article aims to expose the core of the migratory issue, linking directly to capitalism, and leaving clues to understanding the new migration law in Brazil and its space in the world State system.




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Janeiro, Vol. 08, N.3, 2017, p. 2377-2404.

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2020-08-14 — Updated on 2021-03-31
