Abstract: This article is a revised version of a fraternal collaboration of the author with the dossier on the theory of legal critique of Oscar Correas Vásquez who formed part of the publication, a few days before his death, of number 2 of the magazine Crítica Jurídica Nueva Época, in the context of celebrating the 35th anniversary of its foundation by Correas. The text of the article uses, among other things, the content of a fraternal epistolary exchange via e-mail that took place in July 2012 between Correas and the author, we discussed the ideas of the Bolshevik jurist Evgeni Pachukanis about law and the state, as well as their relevance to understand the contemporary impulse of a societal and communal or non-law normativity that erupted, with challenging purposes, beyond the state-centered law.
Keywords: Marxism; bourgeois law; legal form; legal fetishism; non-law.
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