About the Journal


Ensaios de Geografia is a scientific journal published continuously by the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (PosGeo/UFF). Access to its contents is free and its publication is exclusively digital. The journal's main objective is to disseminate undergraduate and graduate student research related to Geography and related areas, as well as to be a space of academic and professional formation, by counting on the participation of students in the editorial processes.

In this sense, it seeks to disseminate the production of articles that contain relevant empirical results and theoretical and conceptual reviews that contribute to the teaching-learning process, which is fundamental to the development of geographic thought. In addition, it is proposed to publish artistic productions such as photographs, poetry, drawings and others, as long as they establish a dialogue with this area of knowledge.

Contributions are accepted in the following languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

The content of the works is the sole responsibility of the authors.

The journal does not charge any fees to authors or readers.


Submitted articles will be pre-evaluated by an anti-plagiarism system (CopySpider). If plagiarism or self-plagiarism is identified, the article will be rejected. If no plagiarism is found, the articles will be sent without identification and evaluated by two evaluators (to ensure a blind peer review) a student and a student from another graduate program or professors and researchers (from UFF or another university). In case of divergent opinions, a new reviewer will be invited.

The Editorial Board of Ensaios de Geografia is responsible for final approval of an article for publication, and also has the right to make minor changes in the text, tables and figures to meet the editorial criteria of the journal. 

Preference will be given to articles that link consistent empirical analysis and theoretical basis, or a good literature review. It is important that the texts present contents related to geography and related areas.

To the works related to the sections Readings and Visualities, creativity, beauty, and that present some link to Geography and related areas will be valued. With these sections, we intend to encourage reflections about the intersections between Art and Science.

The majority of the reviewers are researchers from outside our publisher. Evaluation forms may be examined in this link.


Ensaios de Geografia is a scientific journal published according to the rolling model, with a single annual volume for regular issues.


This journal offers free and immediate access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

We use a CC-BY license, which allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon the material in any medium or format, provided attribution is given to the creator. The license allows commercial use.
Licença Creative Commons

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Copyright will automatically be assigned to Essays in Geography and the Author when published.


This journal uses PKP PN and the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems to create an archive system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration. 


The journal Ensaios de Geografia appeared in 2012, and maintained two annual pulutions until 2015. In the year 2019 the journal was reactivated, and had its Editorial Committee reformulated.


Ensaios de Geografia's activities are funded by PosGeo/UFF and the Portal de Periódicos da UFF (UFF's Journal Portal).


Ensaios de Geografia follows the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing stipulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as aligning itself with the guidelines of the Committee on Integrity in Scientific Activity of CNPq. The editorial team strives to prevent malpractice and unethical behavior in the publication and other stages of the editorial process undergone by the submited manuscripts.

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