Geography teaching, Geographic mosaic, Basic education, LearningAbstract
This article is the result of a course completion work in Geography defended at the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), held in 2019, which aimed to analyze the potential of the usage of images in the teaching of Geography as a didactic resource for the construction and appropriation of the concept of region. The study, which has a qualitative and collaborative nature, counted with the participation of 24 students from a class of the 7th year of elementary school at a school in the state of Santa Catarina. The results of the investigation showed, in general, that students develop their learning through pedagogical situations that value their creative potential, using different images as a way of representing the concept of region. In addition, the adoption of the practice of geographic mosaics consisted of a didactic path for the construction and appropriation of concepts related to the field of school Geography.
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