a regionalisation of the smoke



Aubervilliers, regionalização, fumaça


Based on what Santos (1991, p. 77) defines as landscape, “the set of things that give directly to our senses”, the photographs presented here start from a reflection on the seen and sensed from the window of a located apartment in Aubervilliers, northern outskirts of Paris, France, where smoke makes up this urban landscape. Dated from October and November 2020, the purpose of these photographs is to evoke a reflection on where certain phenomena are found and why?


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Author Biography

Fernanda Oliveira de Almeida, Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle

É bacharel e licenciada em Geografia pela Universidade de São Paulo e tem um título conjunto de mestre em estudos latino-americanos com menção em Geografia pela Universidade Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Universidade de Salamanca e Universidade de Estocolmo pelo programa LAGLOBE - Latin America and Europe in a Global World.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA DE ALMEIDA, F. THE URBAN LANDSCAPE AND HAZARDOUS WASTE: a regionalisation of the smoke. Essays of Geography, v. 8, n. 15, p. 69–75, 21 Dec. 2021.