Spatial Circuits of the Cashew Nut Production Chain Around the Municipality of Santo Antônio de Jesus - BA
Cashew nuts in natura, Toasted cashew nuts, Production chainsAbstract
This article aims to analyze the spatial circuits of the cashew nut production chain around the municipality of Santo Antônio de Jesus - BA. As methodological procedures, a bibliographic and documentary survey was first carried out. In the second moment, in the Fieldwork, observations and semi-structured interviews were carried out with the agents that make up the referred production chain. It was found that the chain does not always begin or end only in St. Anthony of Jesus but his local market has a centrality in its spatial circuit. The in natura chestnut marketed comes from other municipalities of the Recôncavo and surrounding region, while the industrially toasted ones are bought in the agroindustries located in other parts of Bahia and the Northeast. It was also observed that this production chain is not nourished by technologies properly, since part of the production process is carried out manually and there is lack of support from the public power of the region and cooperatives and / or associations of producers and traders of nuts.
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