Building arthropods from solid residues

teaching-learning the citizenship


  • Alba Flora Pereira Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco
  • Jozélia Maria Sousa Correia Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco
  • Ednilza Maranhão Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco



The objective of the research was to evaluate the reuse of solid waste
in the teaching workshops, as a methodological tool, to work on the environmental
awareness of the graduates of the Agronomy course of the Universidade Federal
Rural de Pernambuco linked to the study of arthropods. he workshop was applied in
two academic semesters for a public of 150 students, with two stages: the first with
the construction of a comparative table about the five main groups of arthropods, as
well as the home collection of recyclable materials; the second stage with the
classification and quantification of solid waste collected, construction of models from
this material and socialization of the taxon, identifying the main characteristics for its
recognition, such as: body region, location and quantity of appendices, conditioning them to see if it was correct or not, when compared to the picture. All scrap material
was sorted according to classification (paper, glass, plastic, metal) and taken to the
voluntary delivery point. There was an evaluation of the written and oral activity
contemplating its importance for the learning of the theme. The analyzes of the
activities indicate that students were sensitized regarding the proper separation and
destination of household solid waste and their importance in academic activities;
there was a conceptual evolution from the constructions of the representatives and
their group discussions, comparing the previous ideas of the participants. Thus, we
conclude that the methodological proposal brought cooperation, socialization, and
group discussion during and after the construction of the models, allowing the
construction of knowledge and citizen formation.


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How to Cite

Pereira, A. F., Correia, J. M. S., & Santos, E. M. (2021). Building arthropods from solid residues: teaching-learning the citizenship. Ensino, Saude E Ambiente, 13(3), 67-93.


