Promoting health with environmental education in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic




Modern society by virtue of world consumerism has proved
unsustainable. As a consequence of this model of society, new diseases have reemerged
and appeared, such as COVID-19. Health, as well as its promotion, is
related to the actions of the human being in relation to the environment in which he
lives. In this sense, awareness and attention to health is a global responsibility.
Critical Environmental Education presents a systemic vision of the relationships
between the human being and the various environments and actors, presenting the
care with and in the relationships, being them: with oneself, with the other human
being, with other living beings and with the planetary ecosystem, allowing the rescue
of the most planetary human being, the caregiver, the promoter of health.
Furthermore, the collective movement together, one of the formative principles of
environmental educators, constitutes a strategy for confronting the coronavirus
pandemic, which threatens human lives on Earth. We are in the process of building a
new society, a society PRE-occupied with the collective, with balance, with planetary health.


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How to Cite

Patrício, I., Duarte, G., Concatto, A. M., Costa, F. H., & Mello-Silva, C. C. da. (2021). Promoting health with environmental education in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Ensino, Saude E Ambiente, 13(3), 154-171.


