Collective management technology of dreams
dreams, Social Psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, WarlpiriAbstract
Since antiquity and in diverse peoples the human mind dreams. The classic methods of approach of dreams Artemidorus and Freud we present the technology of collective management of dreams, inspired by the Warlpiri collective technology (Barbara Glowczewski). Partial results of the survey are presented with 14 participants who report dreams in five weekly meetings, in SPA - Serviço de Psicologia Aplicada (Applied Psychology Service) of the Universidade Federal Fluminense. The theoretical approach is given by authors such as Felix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze, Jean-Paul Sartre, Georges Simondon e Michel Foucault. The innovative method elaborated here abandons the search for the truth hidden in dreams and childhood psychological conflicts and embrace the night scene as dramatics creations, what blacks Warlpiri of Australia consider conditions of formation of everything that exists. The research aims to propose collective management of dreams as a technique of activation of the criatives elements of everyday life and method of intervention in the field of subjectivation. The results show that the collective management of dreams is feasible.
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