Mobile frontiers in the definition of the body


  • Norma Discini Universidade de São Paulo (USP)



body, style, discourse, tension


We shall discuss the discursive, enunciating subject, who is assumed from the enunciate built by him, in which this man,  as  style, is designed on the basis of a body, a voice, a tone of voice, and a character. This body will be conceived especially as perception, which in its turn, is seen as semiosis, and will be considered as emerging from the relation expression/content of the texts. Thus, this subject, who experiences the world as impact and emotion, will emerge from the texts.  In order to achieve this, first we will go through a reflection within the discursive syntax, where we shall establish the theoretical assumptions about the enunciation and the act of making sense and then we will examine the boundaries to the constitution of the body of the actor: the enunciating subject firmed in the role of producer of his own texts. These boundaries will be covered in their mobility, while mechanisms that promote the unraveling of the referential illusion will be brought to light, especially with regard to the merger of the temporalities of the enunciate and the enunciation in the constitution of the category of person. This mobility is also contemplated according to a time-space of perception, for which we will examine the movements of opening of the space, resting of the time and distension of the body, which is bound to the dynamics established between the tensions of what is continuous and what is discontinuous in the perception.


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Author Biography

Norma Discini, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Doutora em Linguística e Semiótica pela Universidade de São Paulo, livre docente por essa mesma universidade. Juntamente com as atividades de professora de graduação e de pós-graduação exercidas junto ao Departamento de Linguística, desenvolve pesquisa na área de estudos do texto e do discurso, com especial atenção para as questões de estilo. É autora de O estilo nos textos (São Paulo: Contexto, 2009) e A comunicação nos textos (São Paulo: Contexto, 2012), entre outros trabalhos, que incluem capítulos de livros, artigos publicados em periódicos científicos, etc.



How to Cite

Discini, N. (2013). Mobile frontiers in the definition of the body. Gragoatá, 18(35).