A dialogical perspective of theory, method and analysis


  • Beth Brait PUC-SP


Dostoievski, dialogism, authorship, Bakhtin


This text aims at presenting some of the aspects of Bakhtinian thought – i.e., of works carried out by Mikhail Bakhtin (1875-1975) and members of his Circle (notably V.N. Voloshinov and P.N. Medvedev) pointing to a dialogical perspective, both theoretical and methodologically speaking. This perspective, as well as the actual ideas of circle and authorship(s), was strengthened in the 1990’s, a time during which, their papers, after being discovered, re-discovered and translated, began to offer an ethical and aesthetic breadth to treat and conceive languages. Their works, whichever signature they hold (Bakhtin, Bakhtin/ Voloshinov, Medvedev), exhibit the engagement of research and of human beings facing the responsibility of being alive. Two books are examined in this paper: Marxism and the Philosophy of Language (1929), signed by Voloshinov, and Problems of Dostoievski Poetics (1929/1963), signed by Bakhtin.


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Author Biography

Beth Brait, PUC-SP

Docente, e coordenadora do LAEL/PUC/SP, e colaboradora do PPG em Semiótica e Lingüística Geral da FFLCH/USP. Fez doutorado e livre-docência na USP e pós-doutorado na École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - Paris/França. É pesquisadora nível 1 do CNPq. Dentre suas publicações destacam-se: A personagem (Ática), Ferreira Gullar (Abril), Guimarães Rosa (Abril), Gonçalves Dias (Abril), Ironia em perspectiva polifônica (Ed. da Unicamp), Bakhtin, dialogismo e construção do sentido (Org. Ed. da Unicamp), Estudos enunciativos no Brasil: histórias e perspectivas (Org. Pontes/FAPESP) e Bakhtin: conceitos-chave (Org.Contexto). Foi crítica militante no Jornal da Tarde e outros periódicos paulistas durante duas décadas.



How to Cite

Brait, B. (2006). A dialogical perspective of theory, method and analysis. Gragoatá, 11(20). Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/33238