Poetry, song and media – experts in Letters and the Poetry that is in the air


  • Cláudia Neiva de Matos UFF / PUC-Rio


poetry, popular song, mass media.


The popular song divulged by the media currently puts forward a new communicative situation as well as a new configuration to the poetic discourse. Transforming and displacing historically consolidated categories such as erudite and popular creation, high and low culture, writing and orality, literature and folklore, the song broadcast by the mass media subverts all these cleavages. Within the song's composite language, the arts of the spoken word, music and voice interact with each other and with communication technologies, leading us to reconsider processes of semiotic circulation and the very character of contemporary poetic discourse. This framework is enriched by new insights into the relations between text and context and by interdisciplinary conceptual elaborations such as that brought about by the notion of performance.


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Author Biography

Cláudia Neiva de Matos, UFF / PUC-Rio

Doutora em Letras, lecionou na UFF e na PUC-RJ. Publicou, além de ensaios em várias coletâneas e revistas especializadas, os livros: Acertei no milhar: samba e malandragem no tempo de Getúlio (1982), Gentis guerreiros: o indianismo de Gonçalves Dias (1988), A poesia popular na República das Letras: Sílvio Romero folclorista (1994); como organizadora e co-organizadora, Antologia da Floresta: literatura selecionada e ilustrada pelos professores indígenas do Acre (1997), Poesia hoje (1998), Ao encontro da palavra cantada: poesia, música e voz (2001).



How to Cite

Matos, C. N. de. (2016). Poetry, song and media – experts in Letters and the Poetry that is in the air. Gragoatá, 7(12). Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/33534



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