Explanating The Licensing of Some Adjectives in Two Attributive Positions in Italian


  • Ana Paula Quadros Gomes Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
  • Nicolly Dutra de Carvalho Cabral Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.




the position of attributive adjectives in Italian, Syntax-semantics interface, The grammar of gradable adjectives in Romance languages


The canonical position of the adjectives in Romance languages is post-nominal (Cinque, 1994). However, it is observed a triparted distribution: although the majority of the romance adjectives is exclusively post-nominal, a very few adjectives can be only pre-nominal, and a relatively numerous group of adjectives can come after and also before or the nucleus, with a change in meaning (Gomes; Sudré, 2021). Despite those distributional patterns, cartography (Cinque, 2010, 2014) proposes only two syntactic sources for adjectives: a reduced relative (always post-nominal, leading to extensional interpretation) and functional projections, which include all pre-nominal adjectives and some post-nominal adjectives, responsible for the intensional interpretation. We propose that those adjectives that are licensed in Italian both before and after the nominal head are in a functional projection, DegP (Corver 1991), and are implicit comparatives. The difference in interpretation (intensional and extensional) is a byproduct of the distinct domains from which the comparison parameter comes from, and not determined by the syntax. Neither the distribution nor the interpretation of adjectives in Romance languages can be explained solely based on the syntactic source. We defend the need to resort to semantics, adopting a degree semantics (Kennedy; McNally, 2005). All flexible adjectives (licensed in both the canonical and non-canonical positions) in a corpus of Italian were identified as gradable adjectives by independent tests.


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Author Biography

Nicolly Dutra de Carvalho Cabral, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

Graduanda em Italiano da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal dpo Rio de Janeiro e pesqusiadora em semântica formal com bolsa CNPq (Iniciação Científica).


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How to Cite

Gomes, A. P. Q., & de Carvalho Cabral, N. D. (2024). Explanating The Licensing of Some Adjectives in Two Attributive Positions in Italian. Gragoatá, 29(64), e60678. https://doi.org/10.22409/gragoata.v29i64.60678.pt