
  • Fernando Silva Azevedo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


United States, Iran, Financial Warfare, Eurasian Geopolitics


The United States has been using commercial and financial tools to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran since the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. These constraints have their objectives associated with geopolitical dynamics and not with the economic field. The main hypothesis of the article is that trade sanctions and the financial attack fulfill the function of constantly pressure on an opponent of the United States located in a strategic region. To explore the main hypothesis, the article will present a brief history of the commercial and financial pressure applied by the United States against Iran. In addition, to anchor economic pressure in the logic of geopolitics, the article will also introduce the teachings of three thinkers in an introductory way, Halford Mackinder, Nicholas J. Spykman and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Such authors contribute in a fundamental way to understand the importance of the space where Iran is for the geostrategy of the United States


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Author Biography

Fernando Silva Azevedo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Possui graduação em Ciência Econômica pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2015). Atualmente Mestre em Economia Política Internacional pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e graduando em Defesa e Gestão Estratégica Internacional. Tem experiência na área de Economia, com ênfase em Teoria Monetária e Financeira, Economia Política Internacional, com ênfase em moeda internacional, e Estudos Estratégicos e Defesa, com ênfase em Guerra Econômica e Financeira



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How to Cite

Azevedo, F. S. (2021). FINANCIAL WARFARE, ECONOMIC SANCTIONS AND EURASIAN GEOPOLITICS. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 5(8), 7-27. Retrieved from


