
  • Michael Scheffer Lopes Universidade Cândido Mendes


Critical infrastructure, Maritime Security , Submarine Cables


The critical infrastructure of Brazilian communication has a submarine connectivity cable system that deserves special attention with regard to Maritime Security, they make up a group threatened from a strategic point of view, because its inoperability after an attack would make the modern way of life unfeasible. , bringing economic and social consequences and making it difficult to conduct an eventual war. In this context, the objective of this work is to analyze the submarine connectivity cables from the perspective of Maritime Security in search of risks and threats to the Brazilian State, through a review of the literature on submarine cables and a case study of the submarine cables responsible for communications in the Brazil. The mapping of submarine cables by Brazilian cities carried out in this study and also the analysis of their concentration by Naval Districts detected the highest concentration of cables connected in the area of ​​the 3rd Naval District, this information may support a future allocation of more ships by the Brazilian Navy, the urgency in implementing the Blue Amazon Management System is also ratified.


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How to Cite

Scheffer Lopes, M. (2021). THE SYSTEM OF SUBMARINE CONNECTIVITY CABLES IN BRAZIL FROM THE POINT OF MARITIME SAFETY AS A CRITICAL COMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 5(8), 28-50. Retrieved from


