
  • Carlos Alberto Leite UFF (doutorando)


Strategic Culture, Comparative Perspective, Outstanding Issues


This article is based on the concept of strategic culture proposed by Snyder in 1977. Based on his vision, several authors have contributed to the understanding and above all the broadening of the interpretative bases of strategic culture. The objectives aim to identify the various conceptual approaches to strategic culture and briefly present, in a comparative perspective, the strategic culture of China, the United States of America (USA), a group of Nordic countries, Federal Republic of Germany (RFA) and Brazil, even in brief general lines, given the complexity of the theme and its conceptual implications, therefore, it is not feasible to be exhausted in this space for reflection. The methodology is based on a theoretical research with a qualitative approach, exploratory and explanatory research, as for the technical procedures, a bibliographical research was used, with the application of the comparative method. The results point to the inconsistency of a single concept that objectively binds the theoretical field of strategic culture. The conclusions point to the fact that the Brazilian strategic culture vis-à-vis the other Political Units is still a great unknown.


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How to Cite

Leite, C. A. (2021). THE EPISTEMOLOGICAL CONTOURS OF STRATEGIC CULTURE: : A COMPARATIVE APPROACH. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 5(9), 70-91. Retrieved from


