

Clausewitz, War-peace dialectics, Politics


The question is: how is it possible to approach the dialectics between war and peace according to Carl von Clausewitz? In order to try to answer the above question, this reflection aims to: a) demonstrate the unitary and dialectical character of war and peace in the meaning of politics according to Clausewitz; b) argue the absence of continuity and absolute discontinuity with regard to war and peace in the theoretical construct of the Prussian general, and c) enunciate the nexus with politics and peace based on the notion of war. There are four stages in the text. First, a Prussian author’s brief biography. Later, it will deal with his main concepts with a view to the organic and dialectical nexus between war and peace. An overview of the generally distorted reception of Clausewitz's ideas will be treated later in order to show how the gap between war and peace was established by Clausewitz's interpretations. Last but not least, a discussion on aspects of the 20th and 21st centuries regarding the dialectics of war and peace from a Clausewitzian perspective, with some conclusions pointing to the summary of arguments and proposals for further research and reflection.


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How to Cite

Passos, R. D. F. dos. (2022). CLAUSEWITZ AND PEACE-WAR DIALETICS. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 6(10), 24-42. Retrieved from


