
  • Rafaela Claudino Osaki Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais


War on Terror, Terrorism, Jihad, Geopolitics, International Security


This study revisits the origin and rise of jihadist terrorism and the War on Terror. Therefore, an analysis was carried out whose qualitative approach to the collection of bibliographic data used the work “Globalization, democracy and terrorism” (2007) by historian Eric Hobsbawm as a theoretical reference. In order to deconstruct the media and political Manicheism that reduces this complex geopolitical scenario to mere dichotomies, the goal was to expose that the War on Terror fostered jihadist terrorism instead of countering it, as initially claimed. In addition, a comparison was made between the film productions “Paradise Now” (2005) and “Timbuktu” (2014) aiming to illustrate the ambiguity of jihadist terrorism as an instrument of resistance and oppression. As a result, the unsuitability of the War on Terror as a counterterrorism blueprint is argued, because, among its negative repercussions, the growing Islamophobia in the West and the global geopolitical instability in the 21st Century stand out.


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How to Cite

Claudino Osaki, R. (2023). WAR ON TERROR AND JIHADIST TERRORISM: : A COMPLEX GEOPOLITICAL SCENARIO. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 6(11), 51-73. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/hoplos/article/view/55577


