

Humanitarianism, Venezuela, International Organizations


In recent years, Venezuelans have witnessed a severe humanitarian crisis. Despite that, the government manages to stay in power with the support of the military. Using the Venezuelan case, this article contributes to the debate about the new humanitarianism, which seeks to transform the origins of humanitarian crises, and the classical humanitarianism, which limited its focus to immediate humanitarian aid. To this end, we analyzed reports, interviews, and news about the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross, an example of classical humanitarianism, and Mercy Corps, a follower of the New Humanitarianism, focusing on the Venezuelan crisis between 2018 and 2019. The results indicate that the characteristics of the new humanitarianism can hinder the actions under contexts where the government in needy: militarily maintains territorial and border control of the state; politically opposed to the states from which the organization comes.


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How to Cite

Gouveia Junior, L. (2023). THE VENEZUELAN HUMANITARIAN CRISIS: : THE DEBATE BETWEEN CLASSICAL AND NEW HUMANITARIANISM. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 7(12), 68-88. Retrieved from


