
  • Alvaro Manchon Ferreira UFU
  • Danilo Augusto da Silva Horta UFU


Military Modernization, Economic development, Russia, Foreing Policy, Defense


The Russian Federation in the 21st century has become an increasingly important player in the international system, both in economic and in political and military terms. Despite this, the challenges faced by the Eurasian power are enormous, not only because its rise concerns and directly affects different interests of competing powers, but also because the way in which its international insertion occurs is marked by several challenges. The success of the Russian Federation in resuming the status of a great international power - previously fulfilled by the Soviet Union - is dependent on its capacity to develop new “revolutionary” technologies in the military field and on the predominant role of the State in supporting this process, since the Russian government is the main funder of such researches. This paper aims to discuss the importance of military modernization for economic revitalization in contemporary Russia. The hypothesis defended is that military modernization acts, in the 21st century, as a pillar for Russian economic development and for its foreign policy. The hypothetical-deductive method of approach and the following procedural methods were adopted in this research: 1st) exploratory research and, after obtaining relevant data and information, 2nd) explanatory analysis.


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How to Cite

Manchon Ferreira, A., & Augusto da Silva Horta, D. (2023). A MILITARY MODERNIZATION AS A PILLAR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: : THE CASE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 6(11), 74-97. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/hoplos/article/view/56211


