
  • Pedro Alexandre Penha Brasil Ministério das Relações Exteriores (MRE)


Security, Terrorism, Insurgency, Mozambique, Cabo Delgado


The complex and multifaceted armed conflict in Cabo Delgado, in northern Mozambique, is currently one of the world’s main international security issues. The conflict is sometimes labeled as an insurgency, sometimes as terrorism, depending on the source, with little attention paid to the precise meaning of the concepts used. This article seeks to present the theoretical debate on the definition of terrorism and insurgency to understand the nature of the conflict at hand. Using descriptive qualitative methodology, it strives to prove the hypothesis that the nature of the armed conflict in Cabo Delgado contains elements of both insurgency and terrorism. To do so, the main academic sources on terrorism and insurgency theory were analyzed, a descriptive report of the development of the conflict since 2017 was presented and quantitative research was carried out in the Global Terrorism Database that identified elements of both terrorism and insurgency in incidents recorded in Cabo Delgado since the outbreak of the conflict thus confirming the hypothesis. The relevance of the study is linked to the importance of accurately applying the terms to the conflict to support the academic and political debate on possible solutions to the situation in Cabo Delgado.


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How to Cite

Penha Brasil, P. A. (2023). TERRORISM OR INSURGENCY? : A THEORETICAL REFLECTION ON THE NATURE OF THE ARMED CONFLICT IN CABO DELGADO. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 7(12), 125-147. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/hoplos/article/view/58256


