
  • Nilton Lopes da Silva Gomes Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG)


Brazil, Cyber Defense, Military, Cybersecurity, CBP


There are variety of Capability-Based Planning (CBP) models implemented in the defense system in different countries. CBP is defined as a methodological tool to identify and assess military capability gaps or surplus by creating a forward-looking scenario. Thus, reducing resource expenditures. This study aims to understand the contributions of the PBC method in Brazilian cyber security and defense, from the descriptive analysis in the following official state documents: Military Doctrine for Cyber Defense and National Strategy for Cyber Security (E-Ciber). Furthermore, it addresses conceptual and contextual terms regarding the theme. Given the study carried out, it is understood that the CBP contributes to the identification of Cybersecurity and Cyber Defense capabilities at the political level, while at the tactical and operational level gaps were presented in the joint operation caused by the volatile scenario. Finally, it was concluded that constant exercises are needed to remedy the contemporary challenges that threaten national sovereignty.


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How to Cite

Lopes da Silva Gomes, N. (2023). CAPABILITY BASED PLANNING IN BRAZILIAN CYBER SECURITY AND DEFENSE DOCUMENTS. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 7(12), 217-235. Retrieved from


