The silencing of women in history
n analysis of witch hunt in the textbooks of the seventh grade of elementary school
Silencing women, Witch hunt, TextbookAbstract
The silencing of Women is something latent within the scientific field of History, being something visible within the school curriculum of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and in History textbooks. Thus, the present work has the general objective of contributing to a reflection on the silencing of women's history in the curriculum, with a focus on the theme of the witch hunt (XVI-XVII century). Therefore, specific objectives were outlined to point out the silencing of Women's History as a whole in History; outlining the curriculum as a field of disputes that puts the history of the dominant group in the foreground, excluding others, such as women; demonstrate the silencing of the Witch Hunt through the textbooks of the seventh year of elementary school, claiming the importance of the theme. Through the analysis of the curriculum of History at the BNCC and the textbooks, we sought to highlight the erasure of the theme of the Witch Hunt in these materials. The results obtained in this work show that the content about the witch hunt, allow a discussion about the role of women both in modernity and today, however, there is an erasure of content in textbooks, since the theme is not developed and when mentioned, it appears only as an appendix to the General History.
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