Financing, production and cultural identity, corporate, firms culturally responsible
The growing interest of corporations from the projects, initiatives and
cultural programs derives from the proper appreciation of the symbolic
cultural dimension in everyday consumption practices. Indeed, in order
to bring the brand among consumers and other agents that compose it,
large corporations have increasingly invested in shares of a cultural
trait. To that end, resort to the main legislative provisions for funding
and use their own resources to engender corporate cultural projects,
such as the Petrobras Cultural Program and the Program for Culture
BNB. These investments will introduce new ways to use culture and
impose new management mechanisms, which corroborate the complexity
of managing corporate brand. Through these new mechanisms,
the symbolic and economic value of a brand approach, cross over and
assume positions unknown for nearly two decades ago.
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THROSBY, David. Economics and Culture. Cambridge:
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TOLILA, Paul. Economia e cultura, Iluminuras:
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WILLIAMS, Raymond. Cultura São Paulo: Paz e
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WO, Chin-Tao. Privatização da cultura. São Paulo:
Boitempo Editorial, 2006.
YÚDICE, George. A conveniência da cultura. Belo
Horizonte: UFMG, 2005.
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