How do we speak about culture in the university? Managing the field of Cultural Studies


  • Mónica Bernabé Drª. en Letras. Universidad Nacional de Rosario.



We begin by dealing with the complexity of the term culture and
precisely define how we employ it when we formulate the project for
the Masters in Cultural Studies. We also discuss the importance of
contexts in the framework of cultural studies and the strategies to
establish connections between society and university. Along these
lines we develop an agenda for the discussion of the spaces the
cultural issue occupies in the post industrial era and the need to review
the way universities organize the different disciplines. At the same
time, we describe the local connections and the cultural resources that
motivated the foundation of a new space for post graduate studies in
Rosario, Argentina.


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Just a few years after the birth of the Republic of Colombia, the cultural

institutionality and architecture of the country begins to develop. This

text goes through the key moments of those institutions, and it emphasized

with the creation of COLCULTURA (Colombian Institute of

Culture) in 1968, the formulation of the Culture Law and the creation of

the Ministry of Culture in 1997. From those moments, a path that

contains cultural policies, cultural plans and institutions is consolidated

in an interesting dialogue, which includes the participation of the civil

society. Moreover, a reference of a recent and local case appears:

Medellin. “A city thought and built from the culture”.

WILLIAMS, Raymond. El campo y la ciudad.

Buenos Aires, Paidos, 2001.

WILLIAMS, Raymond. Marxismo y literatura.

Barcelona, Ediciones Península, 1980.

WILLIAMS, Raymond. Palabras clave. Un vocabulario

de la cultura y la sociedad. Buenos Aires,

Ediciones Nueva Visión, 2003.

YÚDICE, George. El recurso de la cultura. Los

usos de la cultura en la era global. Barcelona,

Gedisa, 2002.



How to Cite

Bernabé, M. (2012). How do we speak about culture in the university? Managing the field of Cultural Studies. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (2), 111-124.



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